
Team #

The AIINFRA team is transnational and broad, with a ‘many hands make light work’ philosophy. Activity is intended to be asynchronous and just-in-time.

Lead InvestigatorJames Smithies
Co-InvestigatorBarbara McGillivray
Co-InvestigatorJohn Moore
Cultural Co-Creativity Consultant, AUMaya Haviland
Indigenous Consultant, NZKaraitiana Taiuru
Trove ConsultantJenny Ostini
Hansard Consultant, AURoxanne Missingham
Hansard Consultant, UKMartin Spychal
Research OfficerGlen Berman
Software VendorTBC

Observers #

Observers from related projects have been given access to project management tools to maximise the potential for cross-project collaboration.

Lillie Le DorréTe Tari o te Hautu Office of the Deputy Chief Executive, Te Haumi Enterprise Partnerships
Keith Dowding and Ken Benoit (ANU)Australian Parliamentary Speech: How Deliberative? How Representative? research project
Miguel Escobar VarelaNational University of Singapore
Junran Lei (ANU)HASS Digital Research Hub